Friday, November 5, 2010

singstar songs license error cause account on PS3 was deleted. how to get songs back

ok i had an issue where the PS3 account i used to download singstar songs was deleted.  I finally figured out how to re-download the songs.  if you go into the singstar store under categories you see "My SingStore".  Then go to "purchase history" to see all the songs you downloaded.  For me they all were showing on my HDD, but everytime i would access them i would get an error saying i wasn't licensed cause of the whole deleted account thing.

Needless to say you have to delete all the songs you downloaded from your HDD via SingStar Options menu -> delete content -> delete songs.

here you can mark all the songs to delete and then perform the action of delete marked.

Go back into the online SingStore and download ALL.

1 comment:

Cosmo said...

This just happened to me because my original PS3 just got it's last leg.
It has no documentation from singstar on how to re-download songs that you paid for previously on a new PS3.

I will try this. THANKS A LOT!!!!!
Very helpful..